|Spend your fashion money on basics. Buy pieces that complement each other and are timeless. Start with the classic look of a black pencil skirt and give it the look of today with a trend top or jacket.
|Create a look that is specific to you. Truly original fashion comes from people who make their own style, not those who follow the trends. You, of course, need a certain personality to be comfortable doing this, but once you take the leap, you will surely enjoy the many compliments for being unique.
With fashion, you can spend time to concentrate solely on yourself. It can be lots of fun and very rewarding, but many aren't sure where to start. Keep reading for some great advice that will help you expand your fashion horizons.
|Stay aware of the current trends in fashion. Change is constant when it comes to style, and magazines are a great way to follow this. They are usually the first source to catch new trends in style.
|Spend your fashion money on basics. Buy pieces that complement each other and are timeless. Start with the classic look of a black pencil skirt and give it the look of today with a trend top or jacket.
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