|Create a look that is specific to you. Truly original fashion comes from people who make their own style, not those who follow the trends. You, of course, need a certain personality to be comfortable doing this, but once you take the leap, you will surely enjoy the many compliments for being unique.
|Do not buy your clothing based strictly on how good the sale is. If the item doesn't go with anything your currently own or it doesn't fit well, it isn't worth the price, no matter how much of a bargain you perceive it to be. It will be ignored as it takes up space in your closet.
|One thing you are going to want to do is always keep an eye open for changes in style. Styles are constantly changing, and you can find out what is new by looking at fashion magazines every now and then. They are likely going to showcase the new trends first.
}{Moisturizing shampoos can help with frizzy hair, so look for that property listed on the bottle. This actually stops the hair from becoming too moist. Shy away from any products that are advertised as "volumizing".
|You do not need to have too much makeup in your kit. Pick the best items for each season to keep in your beauty kit. Think about what you need for your day look and your evening look. Once you open makeup, it can go bad. Germs can even grow on it if it is just sitting there.
}{Don't follow a trend just because it's "in." What looks amazing for a runway model might not look great on you. Follow your tastes, not whatever flavor is popular in the most recent fashion magazine. You are going to want to go with your gut on this. You won't be led down the wrong path.
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|There is no need to go along with every popular fashion trend. What may look great on that runway model may make you look like a carnival side show. Do what makes you comfortable. You should follow your natural instincts. Following your instincts will pay off in the long run.